Here's Where to Find a Father's Day Gift Dad will Love

As we grow older, the time we get to spend with Dad becomes rare. How can we bring back those long undisturbed chats and laughter with Dad - just like old times?

Father’s Day is around the corner, and you’re wondering if a standalone Father’s Day gift is even enough to show how grateful you are to your Dad?

Do you feel like there’s never enough time with Dad no matter how much time you spend with him? He was always your hero and the strength you could always rely on. Before life sped up and you found yourself running toward a seemingly undefined goal 24/7, it looked like the days together with your family would never end. To be honest, our childhood innocence had us taking those times for granted. Adulthood seemed several lifetimes away. And, although we loved Mum and Dad, being with them most times of the day didn’t seem so necessary. Because why would we? Mum would always be there, and Dad came home at dinnertime every night, we thought. The times spent with buddies from school felt shorter. And you hurried to make more memories with them. Chats with Dad could happen anytime – right?

Boy! Were we wrong! The responsibilities of growing up caught up with us faster than we had dreamed, and time became the most limited resource. Often, you find yourself reminiscing your Dad’s words of wisdom and thinking how right he was. The pangs of nostalgia creep up unbeknownst to us more and more the older we get. Every little minute we do get to spend time with Dad is golden.

Don’t you wish you could crack open a cold one and enjoy a game of footy on TV with your old man again? Just like you did right before heading to university? Many of us at Tastebuds feel the same way. We want more quality time with Dad too. And we want it to be fun.

So, our team got together and packed our idea of the best time with our Dads and our families into a gift box. So, our Father’s Day hamper collection was made. I’ll be taking one when I visit Dad this September – so should you.


Why You Should Enjoy a Cold Brew with Dad this Father’s Day

As soon as you hit legal drinking age was the first time you felt like a legitimate adult – although that was far from the truth. A lot of the times, nights at home were fairly…boring. Every day felt nearly the same, and school seemed hard. Looking back, the times spent on the sofa watching the news with the rest of your family around was the sweetest of times. If you had known how much you’d long for a quiet and ‘boring’ night with your family again, would you have savoured those moments more?

The best times are the rarest when Dad cracked open a beer and began to talk about anything and everything on his mind that day.


Father's Day O'Brien Premium Lager on a table

Maybe O’Brien Beer wasn’t your Dad’s go-to beer choice.
But, the
O’Brien Father’s Day Hamper could still put a smile on his face.


The Stories

On many days, his favourite thing to do was talk about his time as a young man. Some of those stories makes you think you were born in the wrong decade. Life in your Dad’s youth seems easier than yours. It feels like they had way more fun than the “kids nowadays”, i.e., you! The best part was when those stories revealed more about your own family. What you Granddad was like, and how your grandparents got started in a new country. You learn that the place in society that you seem to simply ‘have’, wasn’t so basic or the status quo. It was built. If you and your family were enjoying a good life while you were growing up, it’s because someone helped build it with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears before you came along.

The warm and cosy stories that your Dad told on those special evening when he felt like sharing a bit of his story wasn’t just an insight into his life. It would also build yours.


The Life Lessons

Sometimes, Dad’s storytelling of his days as a younger man wasn’t just for amusement. In hindsight, you can tell he wasn’t just sharing a funny story or recalling life events. He was clearly trying to teach you a life lesson through story. There are things he wishes he knew when he was younger, and he wanted you to know them before it’s too late. In our opinion, this is the most thoughtful and loving thing you can do for a child. At the time, your Dad may have looked as though he was simply cooling off with a beer after a long day. But really, he was looking out for you and your siblings.

These have to be the most precious moments spent with Dad.


Stepping Into Adulthood

Of course, once you were old enough. Of course, once you were old enough. You too were able to enjoy some beer with Dad. These times were definitely extra special. It felt like you had reached a new level of camaraderie with him. Through the laughs and the quiet sips, you and your siblings started seeing him in a whole new light. As an adult, his stories had more impact on you, now that you’ve experienced something of what adult life looks like. Although it was nothing compared to the real thing, going off to uni or preparing to move out definitely had you pondering over Mum and Dad’s words a lot more.


80s Dad and Kids Enjoying NRL on TV

The NRL Beer Choice hamper can surely jog your Dad’s memories back to the time when
you and your siblings were still living at home while Dad enjoyed a game of rugby with a cold one.


The Hit of Nostalgia

Nowadays, you are thousands of miles apart from your childhood home. Accepting great work opportunities after uni meant you had to start anew in a city an entire state away. These days you only get to talk to Mum and Dad a few times a month – sometimes less. Building a life with a hectic work schedule is a herculean feat. It doesn’t deter you from getting to your destination. You’re as determined as you ever were as a bright-eyed teen. But, now and then, when you do get some time to unwind at home, maybe watching Netflix, or just enjoying a late night Summer breeze with your favourite craft beer in hand, those slow evenings at home come rushing back to mind. Even for a second, Dad’s words replay in your head. You even remember what went on around the house at the time. You can’t get those days back now. But, it’s not too late for a chance to spend time with your Dad and family again.


A Chance to Reconnect

This Father’s Day, why don’t you take a day off and go back home. Get a six pack of your favourite beer and spend the day with your family. if that present feels too little or not good enough for a long-awaited reunion, don’t worry! Just choose a beer hamper from Tastebuds. We’ve packed everything you’ll need to have a fun day with your fam. Or, if you like, you can make your own hamper with us. We’ve packed every one of Australia’s most loved beers and lager. You know you can find exactly what you guy used to enjoy in our collection. Plus, we pack our hampers lavish and pretty. It’s good to present your gift well. It feels more special. Dad will know you put a lot of thought into your Father’s Day gift.


Gift From the Heart – Make Sure to Customise

At Tastebuds, we brag a little, and for good reason. Our hampers are beautiful. But that doesn’t mean you can’t out your own twist on your own Father’s Day gift. At checkout, make sure to add a message of gratitude to Dad on a sweet card. Or maybe even add an inside joke for your family to laugh at on one of the goodie labels. You can even pick out your Dad’s favourite beer and bites to your hamper, so he’ll know your hamper was meant just for him.

Dad doesn’t deserve a generic store-bought gift. We can all agree on that! Want your hamper to be a specific way exactly? We’ll let you create your own Father’s Day hamper.


Have it Delivered Right to Your Doorstep Anywhere in Australia!

Of course, having great Father’s Day gift options isn’t the only think we do right. We deliver fast and secure across the nation. Doesn’t matter if you live in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, or even Hobart, Tasmania, we’ll get your gift to you in mint condition, in no time. When you’re ready to visit Dad, you can take it with you.

Even in the disheartening situation where you don’t get to visit home, Tastebuds will still make sure to get your gift to Dad exactly as you intended it! You can choose exactly how and when to send it out at checkout!